Just so you know...

Unless otherwise noted - All the stamps and supplies used Copyright Stampin' Up! 1988-2008

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Captain Crafter Challenge #17

I came across a blog where they post challenges. The layout and some rules to follow are given. This week it was to create a card using stamps that picture living things but no flowers.

So picked my stamps sets(Carte Postale). I used the leaf stamp - but now that I have made the card I think it may be a flower. Oh well - I may try to work on this layout again and try a different set. I am also not 100% happy with the card so maybe a second try would work better.

I have to say the layout threw me. I am not good with circles. It took me an hour to do this card - there are many scraps thrown all over my office now(which my 2 year old is enjoying spreading throughout the house!) I also have been try to use colours that I don't normally work with. Why do I torture myself that way???? It was good though to challenge myself. I have used a few of Captain Crafter layouts recently, but just not the rules of the challenge.

Card Stock - So Saffron, Alway Artichoke, Perfect Plum, Whisper White
Ink - So Saffron, Alway Artichoke, Perfect Plum

1 comment:

MarieK said...

I enjoy the challenges too!

I really like your colour combo and the way you tied the ribbon through the circle.

Very nice!